mercoledì 24 dicembre 2014

H&M for Christmas

Per ogni confezione di etichette adesive per regali di Natale venduta H&M Conscious Foundation dona il doppio del prezzo di vendita a Care, un'organizzazione umanitaria che ha come scopo di combattere la povertà nel mondo lavorando a fianco di donne e bambini. 

For every set of holiday gift labels sold, the H&M Conscious Foundation will donate double the sale price to CARE, a humanitarian organization fighting global poverty by working alongside women and girls.
The money raised during this Holiday Campaign through your purchase will go to a project that will empower women entrepreneurs and workers from low-income urban communities in Ethiopia to reach their full potential.
In this project CARE helps women develop business opportunities to generate income, gain power and enhance self-esteem. The project includes women-owned enterprises that deliver support services such as child care, health care and catering. These services will enable other women to start their own enterprises while still assuming family responsibilities, thus creating a positive and growing cycle of change where women help empower other women. Empowered women contribute a great deal to the prosperity, health and happiness of their communities and to a more promising future for the next generation.
Buy the gift labels at H&M and make a change!











Ciao cari followers, i migliori auguri di Buon Natale a tutti voi!!!!!

Dear followers, I wish you a very special Christmas!!!



6 commenti:

  1. Bella iniziativa!!!
    Buon Natale anche a te :-)
    Un bacione

    The Princess Vanilla

  2. auguri di buon natale cara!!!un bacione

  3. Li ho presi!! Tra l'altro comodissimi! :) Buon Natale cara!!

  4. Che belli i primi due abiti!!

    Buon Natale cara Barbara!!!



  5. Great blog!
    How about to follow each other?
    Just let me know and I follow you back <3

    Merry Xmas :*

  6. Tutte queste belle cose non le ho viste a Bologna, uff...Tanti auguri di buon Natale! Lucy
