venerdì 22 giugno 2012

Fashion in Page

Bob Willoughby, Audrey Hepburn.
Published by Taschen
Multilingual Edition: English, French, German

In 1953, the same year 24 years old Audrey Hepburn won an Oscar for her flighty princess in Roman Holiday, Paramount photographer Bob Willoughby began a pictorial relationship with her that would span 14 years and six movies. These photographs, collected in Bob Willoughby, Audrey Hepburn capture the star in such a personal way as to illustrate how much more iconic she could be when just being herself.

Bob Willoughby. Audrey Hepburn

"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone." Audrey Hepburn

Sam Wasson
Breakfast with Audrey - Colazione con Audrey

Sam Wasson tells the story of a film, the story of a woman and the story of an era.
At 5 am on October 2, 1960, Holly Golightly is walking down Fifth Avenue in deserted New York, with dark sunglasses and a dress from Givenchy destined to become legendary.
It's the first scene of  Breakfast at Tiffany's and it is the beginning of  a new era in American society (and beyond). Sam Wasson recounts the birth, development and consequences of a single film.

Ciao cari followers,
é da molto tempo che pensavo a questa idea... Spero che "Fashion in Page" sia di vostro gradimento e se amate i libri che parlano di moda continuate a leggere e seguire il blog...
come dire è solo l'inizio..;)

Hello dear followers,
I've been thinking about this idea for such a long time...I hope you like "Fashion in Page"
and if you love Fashion books keep on reading and following this blog
it's just the beginning ...;)

4 commenti:

  1. Bellissima idea, bravaaaa mi piace. Un bacione Marcella

  2. Un'altra bellissima idea per una rubrica!!!
    E poi io adoro Audrey! ^^
    Un bacio!

  3. This book is so beautiful! I was looking into it the other day at the bookstore! It's definitely a great book to buy someday! =)

    Thank you so much for your visits and sweet words!

    Sweet kiss,

