mercoledì 21 dicembre 2016

Fashion In Page: Dior The Art of Color

 Dior The Art of Color
Jerry Stafford

Under the direction of Peter Philips, creative and image director of Dior Makeup, comes the book Dior: The Art of Color. Highlighting the brand’s makeup revolutions since the years of artistic directors, from Serge Lutens to Tyen to, of course, Philips, the book celebrates decades of creative freedom that make for a kaleidoscopic anthology. 

Inheriting a brand that has had such illustrious predecessors, Peter Phillips, who began in 2014, notes that Dior’s embrace of innovation and invention keep the brand continually at the forefront of women’s makeup. “The house is based on the principle of the “New Look,” notes Phillips, “which actually means you can reinvent over and over again what it means for something to be Dior.” 

“That’s something amazing about Dior,” he points out with reference to Lutens and Tyen, “is the ability to follow in the footsteps of these creative legends without necessarily wearing the same shoes.”

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